California-Based Private For-Profit PreK-8 Prep School W/ I-20 Visas For Sale (No. 1067)

Our Client is selling their thriving fully-accredited Private For-Profit Preschool to Gr. 8 Prep School in the highly coveted Southern California market. With a unique integration of technology, global curriculum, and values-based learning model, this school stands out as an outstanding institution. The school operates within updated, purpose-built facilities with all the amenities. It has I-20 visa approval through SEVIS and current facilities handle up to 500 students. There is enough room to add a high school and dorms. Our client recently reinvested in the campus resulting in immediate

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Who Is Driving Your New Private School's Priorities? Can You Shrink Your Way to Success?

One of the critical blunders we see time-and-again with start-ups is that fact that founders haven't developed a detailed enough strategic business plan from pre-formation to operation over a five to seven year timeline to adequately determine whether: (1). The school is feasible in that particular market based on its program/operation/finance benchmarks; and (2) They've adequate capital to cover the initial cash-flow shortfall in the first two to three years of operation until they reach their break-even point.Our rule of thumb when establishing a school is: it needs to break-even within 24-

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What Have You Planned For The Coming School Year?

"No wind is favorable if we do not know into which port we are trying to sail" -Rev. Dale Turner    I hope you've had a fantastic summer break and were able to spend time with your family and recharge your batteries. September is always an exciting time of the school year, and this September should be no different with the challenges and opportunities that lay before you. I read a funny quote the other day about summer breaks and planning. The author commented that most people spend more time planning next summer's vacation than they do planning the rest of their lives. I know that'

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Developing A More Effective Parent Organization For Your Private Independent School

Good morning all and a happy Friday! We're officially into the first few days of fall. Don't get me wrong. I love the fall. It's the start of our hockey season and another year of hope that the Canucks will make it to the Holy Grail...the Stanley Cup. Here in Vancouver it feels like the switch has gone with our classic weather forecast of cloudy and overcast with the possibility of showers (although I could probably make the same forecast till next April!). For most of you, you're wrapping up your first month of the new school year and you're back in the saddle and the routines of running

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US For-Profit International Boarding High School With SEVIS Certification For Sale (No. 1059)

Our Client is selling their fully-accredited co-ed private for-profit international preparatory boarding school with the highly coveted I-20 visas. Founded over a century ago, the school offers an enriched academic curriculum for students from the US and internationally. Its graduates attend some of the country's most selective universities. It is located in the New England region of the US and within easy reach of international airports. The school resides on a picturesque 50 acre campus and operates from 120,000 sq.ft. of purpose-built facilities with sports fields, dormitories and staff

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