What's The Magic Formula Behind An Effective Private School Board of Governors?

Our firm has worked with for-profit and non-profit schools around the globe and recognize that high performing schools have a number of key attributes in place. Though some of the parameters of the two models may vary, our belief is that a sound school will be grounded by four cornerstones: One of the key attributes of successful schools is a board that can effectively govern their school and one that understands their role and responsibilities within the oversight of their institution in partnership with senior leadership. Providing oversight for an organization should not vary whether the

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Developing A More Effective Parent Organization For Your Private Independent School

Good morning all and a happy Friday! We're officially into the first few days of fall. Don't get me wrong. I love the fall. It's the start of our hockey season and another year of hope that the Canucks will make it to the Holy Grail...the Stanley Cup. Here in Vancouver it feels like the switch has gone with our classic weather forecast of cloudy and overcast with the possibility of showers (although I could probably make the same forecast till next April!). For most of you, you're wrapping up your first month of the new school year and you're back in the saddle and the routines of running

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Internationalizing Your Private School - Recruiting International Students

Today we want to share with you a few tips on how to set up an international student recruiting program for your school. As the former Head of an international boarding school in Canada, I was tasked with aggressively expanding both domestic and international enrollment. Something that takes both foresight and investment.When I was the Head of an international girl's boarding school I was challenged with expanding  international and domestic boarding enrollment quickly. This was a challenge when faced with a limited budget and assurance that the school would continue to only accept

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