Sought After Regionally Accredited Online U.S. Career College For Sale (No. 1077)

Our Client is selling one of America's most respected online private accredited for-profit career colleges offering online education & training in the fields of Medical Administration, Legal Nurse Consulting, Criminal Justice, Law, & Business. Notably, the school's graduates are employed in all 50 states & work in prestigious law firms, medical offices, corporations, & hospitals, & enjoy excellent income as self-employed professionals. Students enroll from across the U.S., as well as foreign students seeking the opportunity for a U.S. education, as they do not require a

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US International Junior School With SEVIS Certification And High School Expansion Opportunity For Sale (No 1051)

Our client is selling their US-based internationally accredited for-profit PreK-6 Junior School with the forthcoming SEVIS Certification. It offers a unique US accredited curriculum combining the academic rigor and standards of the English National Curriculum and International Baccalaureate Program. Established this decade, it provides a high quality global education, supported by low pupil-to-teacher ratio, Mandarin and Spanish for all students, and integration of cutting-edge technology and dedicated STEM facilities. But, the school is not a start-up in the true sense. It represents the

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Measure Twice & Cut Once - Market Study & Business Planning

Like many of you, I've had a number of summer jobs going to university. One of them included working for a construction firm building houses. I don't claim to be a great carpenter, but one adage a foreman shared with me always stuck - 'measure twice and cut once'. This same ethos applies to organizations considering starting new programs or even new schools. You need to envision what you want to build and then measure market demand for your new entity and costs/resources associated with its development in a detailed business plan before you move forward (and begin the cutting).However, on too

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What's The Magic Formula Behind An Effective Private School Board of Governors?

Our firm has worked with for-profit and non-profit schools around the globe and recognize that high performing schools have a number of key attributes in place. Though some of the parameters of the two models may vary, our belief is that a sound school will be grounded by four cornerstones: One of the key attributes of successful schools is a board that can effectively govern their school and one that understands their role and responsibilities within the oversight of their institution in partnership with senior leadership. Providing oversight for an organization should not vary whether the

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Announcing The Sale of Sol Schools International

Halladay Education Group ("HEG") is pleased to announce the sale of Sol Schools International to Australia-based Holmes Group. Halladay Education Group (HEG) acted as the M&A advisor for the school’s ownership. HEG is a leading M&A advisory firm specializing exclusively with advising school owners with the sale of private schools in North America, and is pleased to announce the successful closing of one of its advisory engagements with the owners the Sol Schools.  Located in Canada and USA, Sol Schools International owns and operates four distinguished language schools in Toronto

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